End-of-studies research project at my engineering school. Our goal was to synchronise audio (from a DJ setup), video (from VJing softwares) and light control data (for scene lights), in order to be able to control everything from one computer and create precisely timed shows for events. We ended up creating both a software and a hardware interface to synchronise Traktor turntables, Resolume (a VJing software), and a custom app programmed in Max/MSP to control lights.

While we didn't manage to make everything work together before our deadline, we did create :
- a system to control scene lights with just a computer, using a Max/MSP app and a homemade Art-Net hardware interface, which we improved and later used on the Gedeon project;
- a software interface to control a video playback with Tratkor turntables : we live-extracted the master tempo from the turntables and fed it as an input in Resolume to controle the software's time. It means turning a turntable forward made the videos play, and turning it backward made the videos rewind, giving a DJ the ability to "scratch" the record and the video at the same time.
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